University Policy 12170
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Effective Date
March 2011
Last Revision Date
November 04, 2020
Responsible Party
Transportation and Parking Services, (208) 426-7275
Scope and Audience
This policy applies to all students, employees, contractors, volunteers, and visitors on University-controlled property.
This policy does not apply to transportation for persons with disabilities (e.g., wheelchairs), nor to bicycles and other Personal Conveyance Vehicles operated by the Department of Public Safety, or its contracted law enforcement agency (Boise Police Department).
Additional Authority
- Idaho Code Title 49, Chapter 7 (Pedestrians and Bicycles)
- Boise City Code, Title 6, Chapter 12 (Pedestrians)
- Boise City Code, Title 6, Chapter 13 (Bicycles, E-bikes, and E-scooters)
- Boise City Code, Title 6, Chapter 14 (Skateboarding Regulations and Prohibitions)
- University Policy 12180 (Speed Limit on Campus)
- University Policy 9040 (University Vehicles)
1. Policy Purpose
To establish comprehensive guidelines for pedestrian traffic and the safe use of bicycles, skateboards, and other Personal Conveyance Vehicles on University-controlled property.
2. Policy Statement
Boise State University maintains a healthy and safe environment conducive to learning for all members of the campus community. The University supports sustainable forms of transportation and therefore encourages the safe and responsible use of bicycles, skateboards, and other Personal Conveyance Vehicles. This policy establishes a common foundation of rules, expectations, and designated areas of campus for bicycles, skateboards, and Personal Conveyance Vehicles.
3. Definitions
3.1 Dismount
The action required for a Rider to become a Pedestrian. A dismounted Rider is one who is on foot and walking, pushing, pulling, or carrying a bicycle, skateboard, or other Personal Conveyance Vehicle.
3.2 Pedestrian
A person on foot or any person operating a wheelchair, motorized wheelchair, or an electric personal assistive mobility device, as prescribed by a licensed provider. A person who is on foot and walking, pushing, pulling, or carrying a bicycle, skateboard, or other Personal Conveyance Vehicle (a dismounted Rider) is also considered a Pedestrian.
3.3 Personal Conveyance Vehicles
Any modes of human-powered transportation including, but not limited to bicycles, skateboards, skates, scooters, etc. Also includes transportation powered by motor or by batteries that may be operated off-street, including but not limited to E-bicycles, E-skateboards, E-scooters, and self-balancing transporters and scooters (e.g., Segways, hoverboards).
3.4 Rider
A person using a bicycle, skateboard, or other Personal Conveyance Vehicle.
4. Campus-Wide Safety Measures
a. Pedestrians and Riders are required to be aware of and obey all campus signs. Riders must exercise watchfulness, attention, and caution to protect vulnerable Pedestrians at all times. Riders have the burden of safety with the understanding that Pedestrians have the right-of-way.
b. Personal Conveyance Vehicles will be used in a manner that avoids damage to persons or University property, specifically:
4.1 Ride Outside
Personal Conveyance Vehicles may not be used inside buildings or on any surface not normally intended for such use.
4.2 No ‘Trick’ Riding
Personal Conveyance Vehicles must be used on University property for transportation, and not for stunts, aerial maneuvers, or entertainment purposes. Riders must keep a predictable and practical course while staying in contact with the ground, except to avoid collision or injury.
4.3 Three Feet to Pass
Riders must not come within three (3) feet of Pedestrians, or any animal or device, such as a stroller, under a Pedestrian’s control.
4.4 Audible Warning
Riders must give an audible warning before overtaking and passing a Pedestrian. The audible warning may be given by the voice or by a bell or other lawful device capable of giving an audible signal to the person or persons being overtaken and passed.
4.5 Traffic Flow
Pedestrians determine the rate of traffic flow. Riders must move through the flow of traffic without disrupting it, which may require them to Dismount.
4.6 Speed Limit
No Rider may operate a Personal Conveyance Vehicle on campus in excess of the maximum speed limit of fifteen (15) miles per hour, or at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions (see Policy 12180 – Speed Limit on Campus).
5. Pedestrian Priority Zones
a. Boise State designates the following areas as Pedestrian Priority Zones where Riders are required to Dismount during the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday:
- “The Quad”. The Quad is bound by the Mathematics Building, the Simplot Micron Academic Success Hub, Riverfront Hall, Albertsons Library, the Liberal Arts Building, and the lawn north of the Administration Building.
- The “B” Plaza. The “B” Plaza is the area defined by the raised, circular, brick terrace surrounding the “B” installation south of the Administration Building.
b. University fleet vehicles and other automobiles, such as vendor automobiles, are prohibited from accessing Pedestrian Priority Zones, except for emergencies or as reasonably required and scheduled in advance for official University business, through University Event Services (See University Policy 9040 – University Vehicles).
6. Wheeled Priority Routes
a. Boise State designates Wheeled Priority Routes where the primary mode of travel is intended for bicycles, skateboards, and other Personal Conveyance Vehicles.
b. Wheeled Priority Routes include bike lanes and bike paths on Boise State property.
c. Pedestrians must not travel in a Wheeled Priority Route where a sidewalk or separate foot path is available.
d. When using the Wheeled Priority Routes, Riders are required to conduct themselves with due regard to safety and in accordance with this policy.
7. Parking
a. Bicycles, skateboards, and other Personal Conveyance Vehicles must be parked in official, University-provided bicycle or skateboard parking racks.
b. Any Personal Conveyance Vehicle that creates a safety or environmental hazard by blocking access to handrails, ramps, parking meters, signage, or building entrances; or which is locked to a light pole, post, landscaping feature, or handrail ; or that immobilized other property (e.g., a bike locked to another bike) may be issued a citation and impounded at the owner’s expense.
c. Any Personal Conveyance Vehicle that appears to be abandoned, as evidenced by signs of disuse or neglect, or is mechanically incapable of normal operation may be impounded.
d. The Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management has the authority to set policy regarding the parking of Personal Conveyance Vehicles in University resident facilities. Guidelines are available on the Housing and Residence Life website.
8. Enforcement and Violations
a. Training and education related to this policy are the responsibility of the entire campus community.
b. The Department of Public Safety enforces this policy. Violations may result in:
- Vehicle impoundment
- Citation
- Exclusion from campus under University Policy 12020 (Exclusion from Campus)
- Referral to the Office of the Dean of Students for student violations, which may result in action under the Student Code of Conduct (University Policy 2020).
- Referral to Human Resources for employee violations, which may result in discipline, up to an including dismissal from employment.
c. The University cannot practically monitor all traffic by Pedestrians and Riders or all parking of Personal Conveyance Vehicles. While the University places priority on educating Pedestrians and Riders of their responsibilities under this policy, the University may enforce violations of Sections 4.1 through 4.3 of this policy of which it becomes aware.
d. To report a violation of this policy, contact the Department of Public Safety at or call (208) 426-6911.
e. Information on violations of this policy, including fines and ticket forgiveness, can be found on the Transportation and Parking website.
f. Areas near campus may be governed by city or state rules and regulations. Boise State does not enforce regulations on property not owned or leased by the University, but Pedestrians and Riders are expected to follow all applicable rules of safety for the greater good of the campus community.
9. Reclaiming Impounded Personal Conveyance Vehicles
The owner of a Personal Conveyance Vehicle that was impounded pursuant to Section 6 for blocking access to, or immobilizing property; or pursuant to Section 7 for being abandoned or inoperable, may work with Boise State Transportation and Parking Services to reclaim their impounded Personal Conveyance Vehicle.
10. Related Information
Parking or impoundment questions may be directed to:
Personal Conveyance Vehicle Parking in University Residence Halls
Transportation and Parking Website
University Policy 12180 (Speed Limit on Campus)
University Policy 12020 (Exclusion from Campus)
Revision History
January 2015; February 2016; November 04, 2020